
Cooperation with IN ThoughtBridge Co., Shanghai
In November 2024 IN ThoughtBridge from Shanghai, China, and TUM International GmbH, Munich signed a cooperation contract, reinforcing the shared commitment to fostering global academic exchange.

Training course: Fundamentals of Sustainable Universities
Universities have an incredible potential of driving sustainability in society. At TUM International GmbH we have embarked on a journey of catalyzing and enabling universities in leveraging this potential!

Danube DNA: Building a Sustainable Network for Digital Transformation in the Danube Region
The Danube DNA project aims to establish an innovative and sustainable network of SMEs training and knowledge transfer centers focused on digital transformation within the Danube region.

RiHEI — Responsible and Impactful Universities as Sustainable Growth and Enterprise Catalysts in Georgia!
As an EU-funded project, RiHEI aims to catalyze sustainable and responsible growth in university ecosystems in Georgia. The focus lies on empowering youth, fostering private sector collaborations, and ensuring inclusive development.

iCCiEE – Intercultural Co-Creation for international Entrepreneurship Education | DAAD funded project
To address today’s entrepreneurial challenges, TUM International GmbH has joined forces with the HTW Dresden, the German-Jordanian University and the New Uzbekistan University for a two year-project. The aim is to develop a universally relevant framework and curriculum for entrepreneurship in higher education.

Acceleration Program for Entrepreneurial and Innovative Universities | Europe
This Horizon Europe-funded project aims to enable higher education institutions to realize their potential in terms of entrepreneurial and innovative impact in education, research and community engagement.

Technical Assistance to the CABEI Climate Change Investment Project Preparation Fund | SICA Region and Colombia
In 2022, CABEI launched its first Climate Change Investment Fund for the SICA region and Colombia. TUMint developed the call for proposals and provided technical assistance to public entities preparing projects focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

ECO Industrial Park Network for the Alpine Regions — Exploiting the Smart and Circular Economy (ECOLE)
The ECOLE project supports industrial parks in the Alpine region in their transition to more circular economy and sustainability. It provides tools, strategies, recommendations and knowledge sharing within the network.

German Center for Future Mobility (DZM)
The German Center for Future Mobility (DZM) is intended to contribute to the further development of Germany as a mobility location into an internationally visible pioneer for the mobility of the future. In doing so, the DZM orchestrates a network structure that bundles cross-modal and intersectoral capacities and resources and creates new ones in a targeted manner.

ZD Automotive GmbH — a German-Chinese success story
Founded in 2012, ZD Automotive is a limited liability company under German law based in Großmehring near Ingolstadt and offers products and technical services for vehicle infotainment systems, connectivity, ADAS and autonomous driving.
On 18.12.2020, ZD Automotive concluded a cooperation agreement with TUM International GmbH.

Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystem (RIE) Munich
Together with Siemens, TUM International GmbH (TUMint) manages the Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystem (RIE) Munich, which emerged from the Siemens Center of Knowledge Interchange (CKI) at TUM. The lead university is TUM.

Cooperation between Evonik Operations GmbH and Technical University of Munich
Since 2015, TUM International has operated the cooperation office of the program formerly known as “Center of Technology and Knowledge Transfer (CTKT)”, which creates and optimizes synergies between Evonik Operations GmbH and Technische Universität München (TUM).

Cork Harbour Economy, Ireland
The Cork port region has site-specific advantages that will be leveraged more fully through an international investment strategy. The focus is on local and multinational companies and medium-sized firms as well as world-leading clusters and pioneering key technologies.

Industry Center Obernburg (ICO)
Together with the park operator Mainsite, TUM Interantional developed a center of excellence for its Initiative for Interdisciplinary Regional Development (IIRE). Pilot applications are the logistics center and Mainsite’s expansion plans for the Industrie Center Obernburg (ICO).

Competence Center for Port and Energy Logistics, Italy
The Port of Trieste, Transalpine Pipeline (TAL), TUM International GmbH and Camera di Commercio Italo-Tedesca have joined forces in a joint competence center.

Sustainability Initiative CoPlan
Together with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), TUM International developed a web-based sustainability calculator in the regional program “Cooperation Platform Latin America North (COPLAN)” that shows the return on sustainability investments in new or existing industrial parks. The first pillar of the cooperation included the study of the medical effectiveness of endemic plants.

Amazonian Green Cluster, Ecuador
TUM International supported local partner Amassence in studying the resource potential of the Amazon rainforest.
The first pillar of the collaboration involved studying the medicinal efficacy of endemic plants.

KIC Urban Mobility — TUM shapes the mobility of the future!
The “MOBiLus” consortium was selected by the Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) to develop strategies for urban mobility of the future. TUM International GmbH acted as the project management office.

New Uzbekistan University (NUU), Tashkent
Well-educated young people are the most valuable asset of any country. This is the motto of the Uzbek government, which has set its sights on opening a new educational institution, the “New Uzbekistan University”. The university, which opened in the capital Tashkent in the summer of 2021, is based on the excellent standards and application-oriented focus of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in a wide range of areas.

Kutaisi International University (KIU), Georgia
In Kutaisi, the third largest city in Georgia, a young university is growing up with the aim of becoming a unique educational and research center in Georgia. Kutaisi International University (KIU) is guided by its role model, the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

TUMint Student Relocation Service — the first German student relocation service!
In cooperation with a relocation agency, TUM International GmbH has developed a professional onboarding service with support in finding accommodation. It is an attractive offer to strengthen TUM’s international competitiveness — and it is the first offer of this kind from a German university.

Siemens Mentoring Program
Career support for TUM, LMU and HM students with an IT and technology focus: Siemens executives accompany and support selected IT and technology-savvy TUM students for at least one year.

mentorING — for TUM female students
mentorING has been in existence since 2002, making it the oldest and one of the most successful mentoring programs at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). It supports female students in their orientation on the job market as well as in their personal and professional development.

Asia Center of Excellence for Smart Technologies (ACES), Malaysia
The “Asia Center of Excellence for Smart Technologies” (ACES) is a Malaysian joint venture established by ECERDC (East Coast Economic Region Development Council) and TUM International GmbH in December 2020.