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Wel­co­me to
TUM Inter­na­tio­nal GmbH
The Uni­ver­si­ty Com­pa­ny
We crea­te syn­er­gies
bet­ween sci­ence
and busi­ness
We trans­fer
know­ledge and
We deve­lop and mana­ge
sci­en­ti­fic sites and inno­va­ti­on
eco­sys­tems world­wi­de
Wel­co­me to TUM Inter­na­tio­nal GmbH The Uni­ver­si­ty Com­pa­ny
We deve­lop and mana­ge sci­en­ti­fic sites and inno­va­ti­on eco­sys­tems world­wi­de
We trans­fer
know­ledge and
We crea­te syn­er­gies bet­ween sci­ence and busi­ness
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University Site Development

Entre­pre­neu­ri­al­ly enga­ged uni­ver­si­ties play a cru­cial role in dri­ving socie­tal chan­ge.

TUM Inter­na­tio­nal adapts the model of TUM as a uni­ver­si­ty of excel­lence in rese­arch, edu­ca­ti­on, and socie­tal enga­ge­ment to the spe­ci­fic local needs of its uni­ver­si­ty cli­ents. The goal is to trans­form the­se insti­tu­ti­ons into key dri­vers of know­ledge crea­ti­on and socio-eco­no­mic deve­lo­p­ment within their respec­ti­ve regi­ons.

Knowledge & Technology Transfer

The clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween indus­try and uni­ver­si­ties is the foun­da­ti­on of an inno­va­ti­on-dri­ven eco­no­my. TUM Inter­na­tio­nal lever­a­ges its exper­ti­se to iden­ti­fy sui­ta­ble part­ners and faci­li­ta­te inno­va­ti­on and tech­no­lo­gy trans­fer pro­jects, such as tho­se with glo­bal play­ers like Sie­mens and Evo­nik.

Innovation Ecosystem Acceleration

Inno­va­ti­on eco­sys­tems and indus­try clus­ters are key dri­vers of eco­no­mic growth and sus­tainable regio­nal deve­lo­p­ment. TUM Inter­na­tio­nal takes on the manage­ment of stake­hol­ders within an inno­va­ti­on eco­sys­tem. In doing so, TUM Inter­na­tio­nal fol­lows a holi­stic approach based on co-crea­ti­ve for­mats to fos­ter inno­va­ti­on eco­sys­tems across all disci­pli­nes.

Talent Management & Qualification

Indus­try-ori­en­ted talent manage­ment has always been a core part of TUM International’s mis­si­on. This includes orga­ni­zing and mana­ging tail­o­red men­to­ring and skill deve­lo­p­ment pro­grams for TUM stu­dents in clo­se part­ner­ship with com­pa­nies. A vital foun­da­ti­on for their pro­fes­sio­nal future is laid during their stu­dies.

TUM International GmbH is a leading consultant, developer, and manager of science parks, innovation ecosystems, technology transfer, and competence centers worldwide.