Amazonian Green Cluster, Ecuador
TUM International supported local partner Amassence in studying the resource potential of the Amazon rainforest.
The first pillar of the collaboration involved studying the medicinal efficacy of endemic plants.
In addition to advising on the preparation of investor documents, TUM International identified suitable cooperation partners from business and academia.
The development process for phytopharmaceutical products includes detailed analysis of efficacy, review of the approval process and global marketing of the products. The activities were supported by the TU Munich with its outstanding expertise in systems biology and biotechnological processes.
The second pillar involved the development of a Green Cluster in the Amazon in Ecuador. This is intended to advance socio-economic development at the community level, strengthen regional value creation and trade with international partners. The project focused on socially and environmentally effective investments. Intelligent, modular solutions, qualification and training, and innovation projects are designed to minimize the ecological footprint while enabling the development of high-quality products for international markets.
Project status: completed