
New Uzbekistan University (NUU), Tashkent

Well-edu­ca­ted young peo­p­le are the most valuable asset of any coun­try. This is the mot­to of the Uzbek govern­ment, which has set its sights on ope­ning a new edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­on, the “New Uzbe­ki­stan Uni­ver­si­ty”. The uni­ver­si­ty, which ope­ned in the capi­tal Tash­kent in the sum­mer of 2021, is based on the excel­lent stan­dards and appli­ca­ti­on-ori­en­ted focus of the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich (TUM) in a wide ran­ge of are­as.

TUM Inter­na­tio­nal sup­ports the New Uzbe­ki­stan Uni­ver­si­ty (NUU) in are­as such as the design of manage­ment stra­te­gies, cur­ri­cu­lum deve­lo­p­ment and qua­li­ty manage­ment. But the topic of the inno­va­ti­on eco­sys­tem and the net­wor­king of important (indus­tri­al) play­ers in the regi­on with the uni­ver­si­ty also play an important role.

NUU also aims to pro­vi­de stu­dents with a modern and inno­va­ti­ve lear­ning envi­ron­ment. Thus, in addi­ti­on to attrac­ti­ve housing opti­ons for stu­dents and staff, faci­li­ties for stu­dent acti­vi­ties such as a modern libra­ry, co-working spaces and the use of inter­ac­ti­ve tea­ching and lear­ning methods are plan­ned. All of this is inten­ded to pro­mo­te a pro­gres­si­ve, tech­no­lo­gy-ori­en­ted edu­ca­tio­nal cul­tu­re at New Uzbe­ki­stan Uni­ver­si­ty and throug­hout the coun­try.

The first school gra­dua­tes star­ted short­ly after the ope­ning in fall 2021 with a basic “Foun­da­ti­on Year”. The “Foun­da­ti­on Year” is equi­va­lent to an ori­en­ta­ti­on year and ser­ves to bring all stu­dents to the same level of achie­ve­ment. Sin­ce all cour­ses at New Uzbe­ki­stan Uni­ver­si­ty are taught in Eng­lish, lan­guage cour­ses and lan­guage tests are also on the stu­dents’ sche­du­le — orga­ni­zed by Cam­bridge Assess­ment Inter­na­tio­nal Edu­ca­ti­on. Adapt­ed to the needs of the coun­try, three bachelor’s degree pro­grams will start after the ori­en­ta­ti­on year: mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, che­mi­cal engi­nee­ring and soft­ware engi­nee­ring. This offe­ring is to be gra­du­al­ly expan­ded fur­ther, espe­ci­al­ly in the fields of natu­ral and human sci­en­ces.

In April 2022, a group of NUU stu­dents, pro­fes­sors and lec­tu­r­ers visi­ted TUM Inter­na­tio­nal in Munich to learn more about the topic of inno­va­ti­on and entre­pre­neur­ship.