Was gibt es Neues aus unserem bunten Blumenstrauß an Services?
Knorr-Bremse looks for juniors and working students
Our mentorING partner Knorr-Bremse offeres junior positions and working student jobs!
One of the vacancies is even in the department of our esteemed mentor Anna Staffiere. 😊
Siemens RIE Munich Conference — Bringing an Ecosystem to Life
This year’s Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystem (RIE) Munich Conference highlighted Bringing an Ecosystem to Life at the brand new TUM/Siemens shared building.
Deloitte sucht Trainee & Consultant
Werde Teil des Deloitte-Teams!
Unser mentorING-Partner Deloitte bietet aktuell eine Stelle als “Trainee Cloud & Data” (m/w/d) sowie eine Position als “(Senior) Consultant Data Management” (m/w/d).
Rohde & Schwarz seeks working student (m/f/d)
Our mentorING partner company Rohde & Schwarz is seeking a working student for Test Development SPM Receivers.
Check out the job ad now!
TUMint contributes to EIT Deep Tech Talent Initiative
TUM International pledges to contribute to training one million deep tech talents in Europe by 2025
We are committed to contributing to the first European educational platform dedicated to deep tech skills development.
Joining forces with UNESCO’s Greening Education Partnership
As champions of sustainability in education, we’re excited to collaborate with a global network dedicated to empowering learners to build a greener future.
mentorING event at attempto, 4.6.2024
Last night, participants of the TUM Female mentorING Program gathered at our partner company, attempto GmbH & Co. KG.
Specializing in software solutions for banks, insurance companies, industries, and trade, attempto excels in implementing complex IT projects.
Airbus Get2Know Manching Day 2024
Are you a passionate and driven student pursuing a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. in Engineering or IT?
Then visit AIRBUS in Manching on Thursday, 4th of July 2024 from 9:45 — 4:45 pm at Manching Military Aircraft Center!
Evonik’s Open Innovation Challenge
Evonik offers 5.000 € reward for the best 3 innovative applications! 💶
Attention students, PhD students, postdocs, academia in general, technology experts, entrepreneurs etc.: http:/ 👩🎓👩🔬👩💻
TUM Female Founders
Die Technische Universität München (TUM) hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Ausgründungen aus der Wissenschaft weiter zu steigern. Gleichzeitig soll der Anteil der Gründerinnen bis 2030 signifikant erhöht werden. Hierfür wurde TUM Female Founders ins Leben gerufen…
Accelerate Future HEI — the new e‑zine!
It’s official, the first issue of the Accelerate Future HEI e‑zine is published.
It provides valuable insights into the first year’s progress in this HORIZON initiative, which supports transformation at European higher education institutions.
🚀 Space Day in München – Ein intergalaktisches Familienevent! 🌌
Am 13. April 2024 verwandelt sich der Campus Ottobrunn in ein kosmisches Wunderland für den Space Day, präsentiert von Yuri’s Night Deutschland e.V. in Kooperation mit der Technische Universität München (TUM). 🌍🛰️☄️👩🚀
International Summer School in Munich
Dive into learning and get 6 ECTS! Join the International Summer School focused on Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Energies! 📚
Embrace a vibrant and international learning experience filled with discussions on innovative business models, renewable energy technologies, and sustainable practices.
German-Uzbek Symposium, 11. April 2024
April 11th we’re hosting the German-Uzbek Symposium, “Bridging Borders: Exploring Collaborative Pathways between German and Uzbek Academia and Industry,” at the Technical University of Munich.
This pivotal event showcases the growing ties between Germany and Uzbekistan, highlighting the innovative partnership with New Uzbekistan University (NewUU).
Kursangebot für nachhaltigere Universitäten
Universitäten sind zentrale Akteure bei der Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Zukunft.
Wir freuen uns im April 2024 unser 4‑teiliges Trainingsprogramm für “Sustainability Change Makers” in universitären Ökosystem zu launchen.
Es wird dabei um die Grundlagen eines ganzheitlichen Ansatzes gehen, der Nachhaltigkeit in den verschiedenen Dimensionen eines universitären Ökosystems vorantreibt.
Weltfrauentag 2024 🌟
Veranstaltungswoche zum Weltfrauentag
Das Motto des Internationalen Frauentages 2024 lautet:
austauschen, feiern, informieren
Die TUM lädt ihre “Angehörigen” zu einer Aktionswoche rund um den 08. März 2024 ein. Es gibt spannende Vorträge und interessante Einblicke!
Female mentorING workshop at Deloitte.
A workshop to empower female talents.
At the intersection of education and industry, the collaboration with our partners such as Deloitte continues to yield incredible opportunities for growth and mentorship.
The workshop focused on empowering young female talents, bringing together bright students from Technical University of Munich and seasoned professionals from Deloitte.
Empowering Entrepreneurial Higher Education
TUM International GmbH’s impact in the Accelerate Future HEI Project.
In the dynamic landscape of higher education, collaboration and innovation are essential for progress. TUM International GmbH (TUMint) is proud to be one of the three acceleration partners in the Accelerate Future HEI project, a groundbreaking initiative funded by the European Union and spearheaded by the University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN).
Supporting future focused higher education
There is so much untapped potential in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs).
That is why Accelerate Future HEI has brought together 12 European partners from 11 European countries to develop and pilot test acceleration services that will enable HEIs to undergo institutional transformation, becoming more entrepreneurial and innovative in their approach.
Call for applications! Smart specialization & Industry 4.0 in the Danube region.
Here’s your chance be part of our exciting new venture on Smart Specialization and Industry 4.0 in the Danube Region. Apply for an IDP project until January 31st 2024!
Evonik MChG Day — hybride Vortragsreihe am 28.11.2023 an der TUM
Die Münchner Chemischen Gesellschaft (MChG) und die Evonik Industries AG laden zu einem Vortragsprogramm mit dem Thema „Digitalisierung in der Chemie: Welche Möglichkeiten bieten Künstliche Intelligenz und Machine Learning in der Forschung und Entwicklung“ ein.
Teilnahme kostenlos — Anmeldung erforderlich!
AIRBUS — We make HER fly!
Jetzt bewerben -
30 Studentinnen können mitmachen!
Am 23. November 2023 findet im Manching Military Aircraft Center das „We make HER fly“-Event statt. ✈👩✈️
Es ist ein Female Networking Event, bei dem sich Studentinnen über Karriere-Chancen bei AIRBUS informieren können.
Bewerbungsfrist ist der 25. Oktober 2023!
Accelerate Future HEI (Higher Education Institutions)
TUMint supports HEIs in developing the necessary skills and capacity to drive transformation towards #entrepreneurial and innovative #universities! Great mission with a wonderful team!
HEIs can positively impact regional and Europe-wide social and economic development through education, research and engagement. However, they require targeted support to enhance their capability to fully realise their potential.
SHE.SPEAKS about “Female Leadership”, 13.07.2023, StudiTUM, München by TEC ist eine ehrenamtliche Initiative und Teil des Vereins T.E.C — Teaching. Equality. Coding. e.V.
Sie veranstaltet am 13.07.2023 von 19:00–20:30 Uhr eine Speaker-Session zum Thema “Female Leadership” mit drei tollen Panelistinnen. Veranstaltungsort ist die StudiTUM in München.
Asien-Pazifik-Forum, 26. Juli 2023 in Nürnberg
Die Weltwirtschaft ist im Wandel – bleiben Sie auf Erfolgskurs!
Beim 15. Asien-Pazifik-Forum Bayern werden Ihre Möglichkeiten für Absatz, Sourcing, Investment und Innovation beleuchtet.
Das spannende Konferenzprogramm erklärt die Neuordnung der Weltwirtschaft, zeigt Wege der Diversifizierung und unterstützt Sie bei Ihrer Strategieentwicklung.
Global Challenge Lab 2023 “Affordable and Clean Energy” with Imperial, Tsinghua and other partners
TUM is joining the Global Challenge Lab 2023, featuring 10-days of online workshops, guest speakers, and expert mentoring to help you hack innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.
Women in STEM Round Table, 26. Juni 2023, Galileo Garching
Women in STEM Round Table – dieses Mal mit MINT-Professorinnen der TUM und zusätzlichen Coaching Sessions.
Eingeladen sind alle FINTA* Bachelor- und Master-Studentinnen sowie Doktorandinnen der TUM, als auch MINT-interessierte Schülerinnen und somit Frauen, intergeschlechtliche, nicht-binäre, trans- und agender Personen.
China Impuls-Event im Munich Urban Colab, 05.05.2023
Schönes Wetter, gute Stimmung, gelungener Abend — unser China-Impuls-Event im Munich Urban Colab letzten Freitag! 🍻🥨🥪🍾
Mit unserem Partner ZD Automotive, dem Export-Club Bayern e.V. und dem German Mittelstand e.V. hatten wir einen spannenden Austausch zum Thema Expansion nach China.
Quantum Computing: Where Hope meets Hype
Getting ready for the Quantum decade with masterminds like Heike Riel, Klaus Mainzer and Immanuel Bloch!
In the next years, we foresee a profound computer revolution that will disrupt and redefine entire industries and impact how science and business evolve. The power of the quantum computing ecosystem is real.
This was made clear during the symposium on April 26th 2023 at the IBM Watson Center in Munich.
Kutaisi International University launches a new Master’s degree Program in Finance and Information Management
Kutaisi International University is one of the fastest growing, high ranking and sought-after state universities in Georgia today. The KIU welcomed its first cohort of students in the fall of 2020 and held on to its top ranking in a short time (according to the average competition score for the 2021 Unified National Examinations). There have been impressive accounts of KIU’s success reported by the European partners.
International Women’s Day 2023 at TUM
The 8th of March – International Women’s Day – is an official holiday in 26 countries worldwide. Only slowly, Germany is following suit: Berlin established the day as a statutory holiday in 2019 and Mecklenburg-West Pomerania will do so in 2023.
New project launches to accelerate the future potential of Higher Education institutions
A new research and innovation project, Accelerate Future HEI, which focuses on supporting and enhancing the capability of higher education institutions (HEIs), launched in Amsterdam on 18th January 2023.
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) can positively impact regional and Europe-wide social and
SIBE-Jobangebot mit Trainee-Programm für Masterabsolvent:innen => Consultant Innovation & Business Development (w/m/d)
Das Science and Innovation Lab der School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) steht für systematischen Wissenstransfer zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft. Im Verbund der Steinbeis Stiftung agieren wir mit einem internationalen Netzwerk von rund 6.000 Expert*innen mit dem Ziel
Frauen in MINT — Round Table am 18.1.2023, Vorhoelzer Forum
Die Stabsstelle Diversity & Equal Opportunities der TUM veranstaltet ein „Women in STEM Round Table“ am 18. Januar 2023 im Vorhoelzer Forum.
Interview by Georgia Today with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang A. Herrmann at KIUInnovate Business Forum
Have a look at this inspiring interview with the Honorary President of our partner Kutaisi International University and President Emeritus of Technical University of Munich Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang A. Herrmann during the first KIUInnovate Business Forum, co-hosted by us — TUM International GmbH:
Delegation from Indonesia — digital transformation in land management and registration
Last week, we had the pleasure to welcome delegates from the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency! Together with partners from the Technical University of Munich, the Bavarian Ministry of Justice, the Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung, and the State Chamber of Notaries we discussed topics such as
Delegation trip from vbw and DAFG to Saudi Arabia and UAE, 30.10. — 03.11.2022
The DAFG — German-Arab Friendship Society e.V. together with the vbw — Association of Bavarian Business e.V. organized a cross-industry delegation trip to Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Dubai, in which the management of TUM International participated. The primary goal of the trip was a sustainable intensification of German-Saudi and German-Emirati relations.
mentorING-Seminar Agiles Projektmanagement bei MaibornWolff
Am 27.10.2022 hat unser mentorING-Partnerunternehmen MaibornWolff TUM-Studentinnen aus dem aktuellen mentorING-Jahrgang zu einer Fortbildung eingeladen. Herzlichen Dank an Victoria Müller und Stefanie Grübl für den tollen Workshop zum Thema “Agiles Projektmanagement” und die Einblicke in Eure Arbeit!
TUM Sustainability Day
Higher education institutions (HEIs) must be catalysts for the #transformation towards #sustainability! 🎓
Following years of efforts and innovative initiatives across disciplines, sustainability has been officially integrated into Technical University of Munich’s vision and action plan.
Successfully completed — KIUInnovate Business Forum 26. + 27. Oct. 2022
How can building innovation ecosystems support a country’s economic growth?
What does the 3rd Mission of universities mean in practice and how to build up strong partnerships between academia and industry?
New project in 2023 — climate resilient and carbon neutral Alpine region!
We are delighted that the Interreg Alpine Space Programme approved a new project, ECOLE — “ECO Industrial Park Network for the Alpine Region — Leveraging Smart and Circular Economy”.
High-level delegation from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Bavaria focusing on the #green #transition in the #SME sector
On October 17th 2022, we had the pleasure to welcome on the Technical University of Munich’s campus in Garching an excellent delegation of economic development policy makers, academics, innovation hubs, chamber of commerce and technology parks representatives, and other technical experts from Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Congratulations — TUM ranks No. 1 in Germany and EU! 🥇
The three most important rankings in the academic world now all agree that the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is the best university in Germany. 👏 This makes TUM the first to win this triple crown! 👑 👑 👑
And it even gets better – according to the renowned British magazine “Times Higher Education”,
Siemens Mentoring Alumni Event 6. October 2022
Another successful year of the Siemens Mentoring Program has finished! 🥳
All Siemens mentors, mentees and alumni participating in the program were invited to the Siemens Mentoring Alumni event. What great fun to finally meet again with all alumni and current mentees! 🤩🥂🍾
KIUInnovate Business Forum, 26. — 27. October 2022
Join us for the very first (!) 💡KIUInnovate Business Forum💡
26th & 27th of October 2022 at the lively Kutaisi International University / ქუთაისის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტი campus in beautiful Georgia! 🇬🇪
Siemens Speed Dating event at Munich Urban Colab, 26.09.2022
The 3rd expert Speed Dating series event took place on 26th of September at Munich Urban Colab with a focus on Smart Cities and Urban Digital Twins. After an inspiring keynote by Veronika Liebig about the Siemens Digital Twin Lab, Jan Schoenig followed presenting one of his current Digital Twin projects.
Co-Creation & Knowledge-Sharing from a distance! 🚀
On 14. September 2022 our ACES team held an introductory session on Industry 4.0 and Smart Technologies for colleagues at ECERDC.
TUMint scientific visit with over 60 Saudi female students and professors
After a group of Saudi male students already visited Munich two weeks ago, we had the pleasure to welcome 65 Saudi female professors and students at TUM Campus Garching last Wednesday.
TUM mentorING-Workshop „Managing Gender & Diversity“ bei Rohde & Schwarz
Wir waren am 3. August 2022 mit dem TUM mentorING-Programm bei dem erfolgreichen Münchner Familienunternehmen Rohde & Schwarz. Rohde & Schwarz hat seinen Hauptsitz im Münchner Osten und weltweit inzwischen über 12.000 Mitarbeiter.
Team event 2022 — hiking to DAV Kaseralm
TUMint goes hiking… 🥾 ⛰
For our team event we came up with something special: We hiked to a mountain hut (1,335 m) and spent the night there. Team spirit guaranteed.
80 Saudi Arabian students & professors visiting TUM
TUMint hosted 80 Saudi students and professors for a scientific visit at TUM
On July 19, a group of 80 young students and professors from Saudi Arabia enjoyed a scientific visit on Sustainability and Innovation at TUM, organized and run by TUM International.
Apply now — TUM DeepTech IDEAward 2022!
🚀 DeepTech founders, watch out!
Do you have a great business idea in a deep tech field?
Apply until 21 August 2022 and join us in Germany’s high-tech metropolis!
Announcement: KIUInnovate Business Forum, 26. — 27. October 2022
At our partner Kutaisi International University (KIU) an interesting event is going to happen this fall: The KIUInnovate Business Forum is aiming to bring together government officials, industry leaders, executives of international organizations, financial institutions, major international companies along with international experts.
mentorING-Event “MyCareer — new perspectives” am 23.06.2022 bei attempto im Werksviertel
Mit rund 30 TeilnehmerInnen konnten wir am 23. Juni 2022 die coolen Räumlichkeiten unseres Gastgebers, dem IT-Beratungsunternehmen attempto GmbH & Co. KG im angesagten Werksviertel nahe des Münchner Ostbahnhofs kennenlernen.
Student recruitment for Global Challenge Lab 2022
Spreading the word: STUDENT RECRUITMENT
Global Challenge Lab 2022 | UN SDG 13: Climate Action
6 ‑15 July 2022
TUMint at UIIN Conference in Amsterdam, 13.–15. June 2022
TUM International was participating at the University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN) meeting in Amsterdam. It was an inspiring conference on industry-academia engagement — valorization over commercialization. What we took away from it…
ECRDC/ACES board meeting at Munich Urban Colab, 9. June 2022
Last Thursday, senior members of TUM International and the East Coast Economic Region Development Council (ECRDC) had their “Asia Center of Excellence for Smart Technologies” (ACES) Q2 board meeting to discuss the great progress that we have seen.
Georgia: Public lecture at KIU on “The ability to study – how to succeed”
“The capacity to learn is a gift;
the ability to learn is a skill;
the willingness to learn is a choice” – Brian Herbert
Intern (m/f/d) in Central American project related to climate change investment
You want to work in a dynamic team and support the capacity of Central American stakeholders to engage with climate mitigation projects?
👉 Then come to TUM International!
Up to 4 months, part-time (starting in August 2022)
TUMint at Intersolar / The Smarter E Europe 2022! ☀️☀️☀️
Last week our colleagues Dr. Georgeta (Vidican) Auktor, Ph.D. and Jana Legtenborg spent a day at The smarter E Europe conference in Munich, exploring current developments in the solar and clean energy market, and scouting for future collaboration opportunities.
Praktikum 2022! We were looking for TUM students for a Siemens interdisciplinary project…
Apply for an IDP (interdisciplinary project) until 31. July 2022 in disruptive technologies and trends and get an outside-in perspective in technology innovation management at Siemens and the impacts on industry!
TUMint CEO and President Emeritus travel to Uzbekistan, 3.–6. May 2022
TUM International CEO Friederike Hettinger and Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann, President Emeritus of Technical University of Munich and Honorary President of New Uzbekistan University were travelling to Uzbekistan last week.
Munich Bootcamp for New Uzbekistan University (NUU), 25.–29. April 2022
TUM International was commissioned to organize a “Munich Bootcamp” for a group of selected students and professors from New Uzbekistan University focusing on innovation, entrepreneurship and technology transfer.
The customized program included many highlights and exciting discussions during visits at…
TUM mentorING — job application simulation 29. April 2022
Participants of the TUM mentorING program had the opportunity for a job application simulation on 29th of April 2022. As every year, the participating female students were able to practice a real job interview and receive professional feedback from HR staff from the partner companies.
1st Siemens Tech Speed Dating Event at Munich Urban Colab, 28. April 2022
Industry experts from Siemens, Infineon Technologies, BMW Group, SAP, Oerlikon, Pegasystems, sustainability entrepreneurs and enthusiasts came together on 28th of April 2022 at Munich Urban Colab to exchange information about the latest trends in sustainability in production.
We are hiring! Team of 2–3 TUM students for project study needed…
**Deadline has expired**
Project Study – International project development of an innovation ecosystem in Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 / Georgia 🇬🇪 / Kuwait 🇰🇼
Among others TUM International is supporting New Uzbekistan University (NUU) with enabling the formation of an innovation ecosystem and the formation of cross-stakeholder alliances with public and private actors.
Praktikant*in gesucht (m/w/d)
Praktikant (m/w/d) im internationalen Projekt- und Eventmanagement – Innovation & Science
Du möchtest in einem dynamischen Team arbeiten und schnell Verantwortung für eigene Projekte übernehmen? Du willst selbstbestimmt und in einem internationalen Kontext arbeiten? Dann komm zur TUM International!
Siemens RIE Munich Conference “Future of Automation”
Building strong ties between Technical University of Munich & Siemens!
Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystem (RIE) Munich Conference paved the way for knowledge and technology exchange between industry and academia. Very much in line with the ONE MUNICH strategy.
TUMints partner KIU ranks 1st Place
After only one year since opening, our partner Kutaisi International University / ქუთაისის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტი (KIU) can show a true success: KIU was ranked first among the public universities in Georgia who received top performing students in 2021!
International Women’s Day 2023 at MaibornWolff
News from TUM-International 26. — 27. October 2022 Let’s code for a better world! 🌍To all our TUM mentees and other women interested in software