
Was gibt es Neues aus unserem bunten Blumenstrauß an Services?

Unser Team ist inter­na­tio­nal unter­wegs und ermög­licht uns vie­le inter­es­san­te Berich­te zu span­nen­den The­men. Hier ein klei­ner Aus­zug, der unse­re Viel­sei­tig­keit anschau­lich macht.

mentorING event at attempto, 4.6.2024

Last night, par­ti­ci­pan­ts of the TUM Fema­le men­to­rING Pro­gram gathe­red at our part­ner com­pa­ny, attemp­to GmbH & Co. KG.

Spe­cia­li­zing in soft­ware solu­ti­ons for banks, insu­rance com­pa­nies, indus­tries, and trade, attemp­to excels in imple­men­ting com­plex IT pro­jects.

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Airbus Get2Know Manching Day 2024

Are you a pas­sio­na­te and dri­ven stu­dent pur­suing a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. in Engi­nee­ring or IT?

Then visit AIRBUS in Man­ching on Thurs­day, 4th of July 2024 from 9:45 — 4:45 pm at Man­ching Mili­ta­ry Air­craft Cen­ter!

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Evonik’s Open Innovation Challenge

Evo­nik offers 5.000 € reward for the best 3 inno­va­ti­ve appli­ca­ti­ons! 💶

Atten­ti­on stu­dents, PhD stu­dents, post­docs, aca­de­mia in gene­ral, tech­no­lo­gy experts, entre­pre­neurs etc.: http:/ 👩‍🎓👩‍🔬👩‍💻

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TUM Female Founders

Die Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Mün­chen (TUM) hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Aus­grün­dun­gen aus der Wis­sen­schaft wei­ter zu stei­gern. Gleich­zei­tig soll der Anteil der Grün­de­rin­nen bis 2030 signi­fi­kant erhöht wer­den. Hier­für wur­de TUM Fema­le Foun­ders ins Leben geru­fen…

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Accelerate Future HEI — the new e‑zine!

It’s offi­ci­al, the first issue of the Acce­le­ra­te Future HEI e‑zine is published.

It pro­vi­des valuable insights into the first year’s pro­gress in this HORIZON initia­ti­ve, which sup­ports trans­for­ma­ti­on at Euro­pean hig­her edu­ca­ti­on insti­tu­ti­ons.

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International Summer School in Munich

Dive into lear­ning and get 6 ECTS! Join the Inter­na­tio­nal Sum­mer School focu­sed on Sus­tainable Entre­pre­neur­ship and Ener­gies! 📚
Embrace a vibrant and inter­na­tio­nal lear­ning expe­ri­ence fil­led with dis­cus­sions on inno­va­ti­ve busi­ness models, rene­wa­ble ener­gy tech­no­lo­gies, and sus­tainable prac­ti­ces.

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German-Uzbek Symposium, 11. April 2024

April 11th we’­re hos­ting the Ger­­man-Uzbek Sym­po­si­um, “Bridging Bor­ders: Explo­ring Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve Pathways bet­ween Ger­man and Uzbek Aca­de­mia and Indus­try,” at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich.

This pivo­tal event show­ca­ses the gro­wing ties bet­ween Ger­ma­ny and Uzbe­ki­stan, high­light­ing the inno­va­ti­ve part­ner­ship with New Uzbe­ki­stan Uni­ver­si­ty (NewUU).

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Kursangebot für nachhaltigere Universitäten

Uni­ver­si­tä­ten sind zen­tra­le Akteu­re bei der Gestal­tung einer nach­hal­ti­gen Zukunft.
Wir freu­en uns im April 2024 unser 4‑teiliges Trai­nings­pro­gramm für “Sus­taina­bi­li­ty Chan­ge Makers” in uni­ver­si­tä­ren Öko­sys­tem zu laun­chen.
Es wird dabei um die Grund­la­gen eines ganz­heit­li­chen Ansat­zes gehen, der Nach­hal­tig­keit in den ver­schie­de­nen Dimen­sio­nen eines uni­ver­si­tä­ren Öko­sys­tems vor­an­treibt.

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Weltfrauentag 2024 🌟

Ver­an­stal­tungs­wo­che zum Welt­frau­en­tag

Das Mot­to des Inter­na­tio­na­len Frau­en­ta­ges 2024 lau­tet:
aus­tau­schen, fei­ern, infor­mie­ren

Die TUM lädt ihre “Ange­hö­ri­gen” zu einer Akti­ons­wo­che rund um den 08. März 2024 ein. Es gibt span­nen­de Vor­trä­ge und inter­es­san­te Ein­bli­cke!

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Female mentorING workshop at Deloitte.

A work­shop to empower fema­le talents.

At the inter­sec­tion of edu­ca­ti­on and indus­try, the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with our part­ners such as Deloit­te con­ti­nues to yield incre­di­ble oppor­tu­ni­ties for growth and men­tor­ship.
The work­shop focu­sed on empowe­ring young fema­le talents, brin­ging tog­e­ther bright stu­dents from Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich and sea­so­ned pro­fes­sio­nals from Deloit­te.

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Empowering Entrepreneurial Higher Education

TUM Inter­na­tio­nal GmbH’s impact in the Acce­le­ra­te Future HEI Pro­ject.

In the dyna­mic land­scape of hig­her edu­ca­ti­on, col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and inno­va­ti­on are essen­ti­al for pro­gress. TUM Inter­na­tio­nal GmbH (TUMint) is proud to be one of the three acce­le­ra­ti­on part­ners in the Acce­le­ra­te Future HEI pro­ject, a ground­brea­king initia­ti­ve fun­ded by the Euro­pean Uni­on and spear­hea­ded by the Uni­ver­si­ty Indus­try Inno­va­ti­on Net­work (UIIN).

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Supporting future focused higher education

The­re is so much untap­ped poten­ti­al in Hig­her Edu­ca­ti­on Insti­tu­tes (HEIs).

That is why Acce­le­ra­te Future HEI has brought tog­e­ther 12 Euro­pean part­ners from 11 Euro­pean count­ries to deve­lop and pilot test acce­le­ra­ti­on ser­vices that will enable HEIs to under­go insti­tu­tio­nal trans­for­ma­ti­on, beco­ming more entre­pre­neu­ri­al and inno­va­ti­ve in their approach.

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Evonik MChG Day — hybride Vortragsreihe am 28.11.2023 an der TUM

Die Münch­ner Che­mi­schen Gesell­schaft (MChG) und die Evo­nik Indus­tries AG laden zu einem Vor­trags­pro­gramm mit dem The­ma „Digi­ta­li­sie­rung in der Che­mie: Wel­che Mög­lich­kei­ten bie­ten Künst­li­che Intel­li­genz und Machi­ne Lear­ning in der For­schung und Ent­wick­lung“ ein.

Teil­nah­me kos­ten­los — Anmel­dung erfor­der­lich!

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AIRBUS — We make HER fly!

Jetzt bewer­ben -
30 Stu­den­tin­nen kön­nen mit­ma­chen!

Am 23. Novem­ber 2023 fin­det im Man­ching Mili­ta­ry Air­craft Cen­ter das „We make HER fly“-Event statt. ✈👩‍✈️

Es ist ein Fema­le Net­wor­king Event, bei dem sich Stu­den­tin­nen über Kar­rie­­re-Chan­cen bei AIRBUS infor­mie­ren kön­nen.

Bewer­bungs­frist ist der 25. Okto­ber 2023!

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Accelerate Future HEI (Higher Education Institutions)

TUMint sup­ports HEIs in deve­lo­ping the neces­sa­ry skills and capa­ci­ty to dri­ve trans­for­ma­ti­on towards #entre­pre­neu­ri­al and inno­va­ti­ve #uni­ver­si­ties! Gre­at mis­si­on with a won­derful team!

HEIs can posi­tively impact regio­nal and Euro­­pe-wide social and eco­no­mic deve­lo­p­ment through edu­ca­ti­on, rese­arch and enga­ge­ment. Howe­ver, they requi­re tar­ge­ted sup­port to enhan­ce their capa­bi­li­ty to ful­ly rea­li­se their poten­ti­al.

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Asien-Pazifik-Forum, 26. Juli 2023 in Nürnberg

Die Welt­wirt­schaft ist im Wan­del – blei­ben Sie auf Erfolgs­kurs!
Beim 15. Asi­en-Pazi­­fik-Forum Bay­ern wer­den Ihre Mög­lich­kei­ten für Absatz, Sourcing, Invest­ment und Inno­va­ti­on beleuch­tet.
Das span­nen­de Kon­fe­renz­pro­gramm erklärt die Neu­ord­nung der Welt­wirt­schaft, zeigt Wege der Diver­si­fi­zie­rung und unter­stützt Sie bei Ihrer Stra­te­gie­ent­wick­lung.

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Women in STEM Round Table, 26. Juni 2023, Galileo Garching

Women in STEM Round Table – die­ses Mal mit MINT-Pro­­fes­­so­rin­­nen der TUM und zusätz­li­chen Coa­ching Ses­si­ons.
Ein­ge­la­den sind alle FINTA* Bache­­lor- und Mas­­ter-Stu­­den­­tin­­nen sowie Dok­to­ran­din­nen der TUM, als auch MINT-inter­es­­sier­­te Schü­le­rin­nen und somit Frau­en, inter­ge­schlecht­li­che, nicht-binä­­re, trans- und agen­der Per­so­nen.

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China Impuls-Event im Munich Urban Colab, 05.05.2023

Schö­nes Wet­ter, gute Stim­mung, gelun­ge­ner Abend — unser Chi­­na-Impuls-Event im Munich Urban Colab letz­ten Frei­tag! 🍻🥨🥪🍾

Mit unse­rem Part­ner ZD Auto­mo­ti­ve, dem Export-Club Bay­ern e.V. und dem Ger­man Mit­tel­stand e.V. hat­ten wir einen span­nen­den Aus­tausch zum The­ma Expan­si­on nach Chi­na.

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Quantum Computing: Where Hope meets Hype

Get­ting rea­dy for the Quan­tum deca­de with mas­ter­minds like Hei­ke Riel, Klaus Main­zer and Imma­nu­el Bloch!

In the next years, we fore­see a pro­found com­pu­ter revo­lu­ti­on that will dis­rupt and rede­fi­ne enti­re indus­tries and impact how sci­ence and busi­ness evol­ve. The power of the quan­tum com­pu­ting eco­sys­tem is real.
This was made clear during the sym­po­si­um on April 26th 2023 at the IBM Wat­son Cen­ter in Munich.

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Kutaisi International University launches a new Master’s degree Program in Finance and Information Management

Kutai­si Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­si­ty is one of the fas­test gro­wing, high ran­king and sought-after sta­te uni­ver­si­ties in Geor­gia today. The KIU wel­co­med its first cohort of stu­dents in the fall of 2020 and held on to its top ran­king in a short time (accor­ding to the avera­ge com­pe­ti­ti­on score for the 2021 Uni­fied Natio­nal Exami­na­ti­ons). The­re have been impres­si­ve accounts of KIU’s suc­cess repor­ted by the Euro­pean part­ners.

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International Women’s Day 2023 at TUM

The 8th of March – Inter­na­tio­nal Women’s Day – is an offi­ci­al holi­day in 26 count­ries world­wi­de. Only slow­ly, Ger­ma­ny is fol­lo­wing suit: Ber­lin estab­lished the day as a sta­tu­to­ry holi­day in 2019 and Meck­­len­­burg-West Pome­ra­nia will do so in 2023.

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SIBE-Jobangebot mit Trainee-Programm für Masterabsolvent:innen => Consultant Innovation & Business Development (w/m/d)

Das Sci­ence and Inno­va­ti­on Lab der School of Inter­na­tio­nal Busi­ness and Entre­pre­neur­ship (SIBE) steht für sys­te­ma­ti­schen Wis­sens­trans­fer zwi­schen Wis­sen­schaft und Wirt­schaft. Im Ver­bund der Stein­beis Stif­tung agie­ren wir mit einem inter­na­tio­na­len Netz­werk von rund 6.000 Expert*innen mit dem Ziel

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Delegation from Indonesia — digital transformation in land management and registration

Last week, we had the plea­su­re to wel­co­me dele­ga­tes from the Minis­try of Agra­ri­an Affairs and Spa­ti­al Planning/National Land Agen­cy! Tog­e­ther with part­ners from the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich, the Bava­ri­an Minis­try of Jus­ti­ce, the Lan­des­amt für Digi­ta­li­sie­rung, Breit­band und Ver­mes­sung, and the Sta­te Cham­ber of Nota­ries we dis­cus­sed topics such as

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Delegation trip from vbw and DAFG to Saudi Arabia and UAE, 30.10. — 03.11.2022

The DAFG — Ger­­man-Arab Fri­end­ship Socie­ty e.V. tog­e­ther with the vbw — Asso­cia­ti­on of Bava­ri­an Busi­ness e.V. orga­ni­zed a cross-indus­­try dele­ga­ti­on trip to Riyadh, Abu Dha­bi and Dubai, in which the manage­ment of TUM Inter­na­tio­nal par­ti­ci­pa­ted. The pri­ma­ry goal of the trip was a sus­tainable inten­si­fi­ca­ti­on of Ger­­man-Sau­­di and Ger­­man-Emi­ra­­ti rela­ti­ons.

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mentorING-Seminar Agiles Projektmanagement bei MaibornWolff

Am 27.10.2022 hat unser men­­to­rING-Par­t­­ner­un­­ter­­neh­­men Mai­born­Wolff TUM-Stu­­den­­tin­­nen aus dem aktu­el­len men­­to­rING-Jahr­­gang zu einer Fort­bil­dung ein­ge­la­den. Herz­li­chen Dank an Vic­to­ria Mül­ler und Ste­fa­nie Grübl für den tol­len Work­shop zum The­ma “Agi­les Pro­jekt­ma­nage­ment” und die Ein­bli­cke in Eure Arbeit!

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TUM Sustainability Day

Hig­her edu­ca­ti­on insti­tu­ti­ons (HEIs) must be cata­lysts for the #trans­for­ma­ti­on towards #sus­taina­bi­li­ty! 🎓
Fol­lo­wing years of efforts and inno­va­ti­ve initia­ti­ves across disci­pli­nes, sus­taina­bi­li­ty has been offi­ci­al­ly inte­gra­ted into Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich’s visi­on and action plan.

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High-level delegation from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Bavaria focusing on the #green #transition in the #SME sector

On Octo­ber 17th 2022, we had the plea­su­re to wel­co­me on the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich’s cam­pus in Gar­ching an excel­lent dele­ga­ti­on of eco­no­mic deve­lo­p­ment poli­cy makers, aca­de­mics, inno­va­ti­on hubs, cham­ber of com­mer­ce and tech­no­lo­gy parks repre­sen­ta­ti­ves, and other tech­ni­cal experts from Bos­­nia-Her­­ze­­go­­vina.

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Congratulations — TUM ranks No. 1 in Germany and EU! 🥇

The three most important ran­kings in the aca­de­mic world now all agree that the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich (TUM) is the best uni­ver­si­ty in Ger­ma­ny. 👏 This makes TUM the first to win this tri­ple crown! 👑 👑 👑
And it even gets bet­ter – accor­ding to the renow­ned Bri­tish maga­zi­ne “Times Hig­her Edu­ca­ti­on”,

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Siemens Mentoring Alumni Event 6. October 2022

Ano­ther suc­cessful year of the Sie­mens Men­to­ring Pro­gram has finis­hed! 🥳
All Sie­mens men­tors, men­tees and alum­ni par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the pro­gram were invi­ted to the Sie­mens Men­to­ring Alum­ni event. What gre­at fun to final­ly meet again with all alum­ni and cur­rent men­tees! 🤩🥂🍾

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80 Saudi Arabian students & professors visiting TUM

TUMint hos­ted 80 Sau­di stu­dents and pro­fes­sors for a sci­en­ti­fic visit at TUM
On July 19, a group of 80 young stu­dents and pro­fes­sors from Sau­di Ara­bia enjoy­ed a sci­en­ti­fic visit on Sus­taina­bi­li­ty and Inno­va­ti­on at TUM, orga­ni­zed and run by TUM Inter­na­tio­nal.

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Announcement: KIUInnovate Business Forum, 26. — 27. October 2022

At our part­ner Kutai­si Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­si­ty (KIU) an inte­res­t­ing event is going to hap­pen this fall: The KIUIn­no­va­te Busi­ness Forum is aiming to bring tog­e­ther govern­ment offi­ci­als, indus­try lea­ders, exe­cu­ti­ves of inter­na­tio­nal orga­niza­ti­ons, finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons, major inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies along with inter­na­tio­nal experts.

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TUM mentorING — job application simulation 29. April 2022

Par­ti­ci­pan­ts of the TUM men­to­rING pro­gram had the oppor­tu­ni­ty for a job appli­ca­ti­on simu­la­ti­on on 29th of April 2022. As every year, the par­ti­ci­pa­ting fema­le stu­dents were able to prac­ti­ce a real job inter­view and recei­ve pro­fes­sio­nal feed­back from HR staff from the part­ner com­pa­nies.

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We are hiring! Team of 2–3 TUM students for project study needed…

**Dead­line has expi­red**
Pro­ject Stu­dy – Inter­na­tio­nal pro­ject deve­lo­p­ment of an inno­va­ti­on eco­sys­tem in Uzbe­ki­stan 🇺🇿 / Geor­gia 🇬🇪 / Kuwait 🇰🇼
Among others TUM Inter­na­tio­nal is sup­port­ing New Uzbe­ki­stan Uni­ver­si­ty (NUU) with enab­ling the for­ma­ti­on of an inno­va­ti­on eco­sys­tem and the for­ma­ti­on of cross-sta­ke­hol­­der alli­ances with public and pri­va­te actors.

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Praktikant*in gesucht (m/w/d)

Prak­ti­kant (m/w/d) im inter­na­tio­na­len Pro­­jekt- und Event­ma­nage­ment – Inno­va­ti­on & Sci­ence
Du möch­test in einem dyna­mi­schen Team arbei­ten und schnell Ver­ant­wor­tung für eige­ne Pro­jek­te über­neh­men? Du willst selbst­be­stimmt und in einem inter­na­tio­na­len Kon­text arbei­ten? Dann komm zur TUM Inter­na­tio­nal!

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TUMints partner KIU ranks 1st Place

After only one year sin­ce ope­ning, our part­ner Kutai­si Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­si­ty / ქუთაისის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტი (KIU) can show a true suc­cess: KIU was ran­ked first among the public uni­ver­si­ties in Geor­gia who recei­ved top per­forming stu­dents in 2021!

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