
from TUM-International

Siemens RIE Munich Conference “Future of Automation”

Sie­mens Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Eco­sys­tem (RIE) Munich Con­fe­rence paved the way for know­ledge and tech­no­lo­gy exch­an­ge bet­ween indus­try and aca­de­mia. Very much in line with the ONE MUNICH stra­tegy.

Exci­ting tan­dem key­notes, com­pel­ling pos­ter ses­si­ons and vivid dis­cus­sions on the future of auto­ma­ti­on and its impli­ca­ti­ons were held at the con­fe­rence! The topics ran­ged from human-cen­te­red evo­lu­ti­on of digi­tal twins to the Inter­net of Things for inter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty in Indus­try 4.0. Steep lear­ning cur­ve gua­ran­teed.

With the future Sie­mens Tech­no­lo­gy Cen­ter at TUM Cam­pus in Gar­ching, the inno­va­ti­on eco­sys­tem will make a quan­tum leap. We are exci­ted to see many new pro­jects emer­ging from the Indus­try on Cam­pus approach and thank
 for the lively par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and open­ness to share know­ledge and expe­ri­ence — Prof. Dr. Tho­mas F. Hof­mannPeter Koer­teNor­bert GausNata­scha Eckert, Fabi­an Rhein, all spea­k­ers and atten­de­es!