
from TUM-International

Accelerate Future HEI — the new e‑zine!

It’s offi­ci­al, we are deligh­ted to share the first issue of the Acce­le­ra­te Future HEI e‑zine with you.

It pro­vi­des valuable insights into our first year’s pro­gress in this HORIZON initia­ti­ve, which sup­ports trans­for­ma­ti­on at Euro­pean hig­her edu­ca­ti­on insti­tu­ti­ons. We explo­re best prac­ti­ces that are rede­fi­ning the future of hig­her edu­ca­ti­on and share reflec­tions and lear­nings that are stee­ring us toward chan­ge. Learn about our part­ners, their news and expe­ri­en­ces so far.

To keep in touch, visit Home — Acce­le­ra­te Future HEI whe­re you will find the sub­scrip­ti­on link for our e‑zine at the bot­tom of the home page.