
from TUM-International

Team event 2022 — hiking to DAV Kaseralm

TUMint goes hiking…  🥾 ⛰
For our team event we came up with some­thing spe­cial: We hik­ed to a moun­tain hut (1,335 m) and spent the night the­re. Team spi­rit gua­ran­teed.

Our high­lights in a nuts­hell:
✓  Rustic cot­ta­ge with wood sto­ve  🪵
✓  Cozy, mul­ti­ple bed dor­mi­t­ory  🛌
✓  Ape­rol Spritz and Käse­spätz­le with a fan­ta­stic view  ⛰
✓  Team buil­ding at its best  🍹
A big thank you to Kath­rin for this ter­ri­fic idea!  We are alre­a­dy plan­ning our next team event… 😊

#team­work­dream­work #hiking #alps #tum #inter­na­tio­nal