
from TUM-International

TUMint scientific visit with over 60 Saudi female students and professors

After a group of Sau­di male stu­dents alre­a­dy visi­ted Munich two weeks ago, we had the plea­su­re to wel­co­me 65 Sau­di fema­le pro­fes­sors and stu­dents at TUM Cam­pus Gar­ching last Wed­nes­day.
The day star­ted with a warm wel­co­me from our CEO Frie­de­ri­ke Het­tin­gerProf. Dr. Tom Nil­ges and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai-Olaf Hin­rich­sen, who attri­bu­ted gre­at importance to exch­an­ges with inter­na­tio­nal uni­ver­si­ties such as this one.

The rest of the day was packed with

✅  an enter­tai­ning cam­pus tour
✅  exci­ting lab tours at TUMint Ener­gy Rese­arch GmbH – A big thanks to Fabi­an Schatz and his team!
✅  an inte­res­t­ing input ses­si­on on sus­taina­bi­li­ty with Tho­mas Los­ter, for­mer CEO of the Munich Re Foun­da­ti­on
✅  and an inter­ac­ti­ve work­shop on sus­tainable ener­gy and sus­tainable water.
We are abso­lut­e­ly blown away by the gre­at con­ver­sa­ti­ons and inspi­ring ide­as of that day! ✨
➡️ If you’re inte­res­ted in such a sci­en­ti­fic visit at Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich — cont­act us!

#tum #tumint #rese­arch #sus­taina­bi­li­ty #inter­na­tio­nal­stu­dents #water #ener­gy #uni­ver­si­ties