
from TUM-International

Announcement: KIUInnovate Business Forum, 26. — 27. October 2022

At our part­ner Kutai­si Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­si­ty (KIU) an inte­res­t­ing event is going to hap­pen this fall: The KIUIn­no­va­te Busi­ness Forum is aiming to bring tog­e­ther govern­ment offi­ci­als, indus­try lea­ders, exe­cu­ti­ves of inter­na­tio­nal orga­niza­ti­ons, finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons, major inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies along with inter­na­tio­nal experts.

It will take place from 26th – 27th Octo­ber this year in Kutai­si as a hybrid event. The forum will ser­ve as uni­que plat­form to estab­lish new and deepen exis­ting aca­de­mia and indus­try rela­ti­ons bet­ween Geor­gi­an and for­eign stake­hol­ders. Our TUM Inter­na­tio­nal team will be on site to mode­ra­te and join seve­ral panel dis­cus­sions.

Are you inte­res­ted in par­ti­ci­pa­ting? Get in touch with Kath­rin Albrecht: or +49 170 — 637 90 88.