
from TUM-International

Apply now — TUM DeepTech IDEAward 2022!

🚀 DeepT­ech foun­ders, watch out!
Do you have a gre­at busi­ness idea in a deep tech field?
App­ly until 21 August 2022 and join us in Germany’s high-tech metro­po­lis!

The TUM Deep Tech IDEA­ward sup­ports inter­na­tio­nal idea owners who want to come to Munich.

➡️ win a total of 40,000 EUR in pri­ze money
➡️ win 40,000 EUR in grants
Join the tech start-up sce­ne in Isar Val­ley!
#entre­pre­neur­ship #start­ups #deept­ech #inter­na­tio­nal #tum