
from TUM-International

We are hiring! Team of 2–3 TUM students for project study needed…

**Deadline has expired**

Pro­ject Stu­dy – Inter­na­tio­nal pro­ject deve­lo­p­ment of an inno­va­ti­on eco­sys­tem in Uzbe­ki­stan 🇺🇿 / Geor­gia 🇬🇪 / Kuwait 🇰🇼
Among others TUM Inter­na­tio­nal is sup­port­ing New Uzbe­ki­stan Uni­ver­si­ty (NUU) with enab­ling the for­ma­ti­on of an inno­va­ti­on eco­sys­tem and the for­ma­ti­on of cross-stake­hol­der alli­ances with public and pri­va­te actors. 

🎯 Pro­ject goals — You will be respon­si­ble for

  • buil­ding the infra­struc­tu­re of e. g. Uzbekistan’s start-up eco­sys­tem inclu­ding the con­cep­tua­liza­ti­on of an incubator/accelerator
  • rese­ar­ching e. g. Uzbekistan’s busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties of a tech­no­lo­gy trans­fer office inte­gra­ted in a sci­ence and indus­try clus­ter
  • deve­lo­ping an inno­va­ti­on stra­tegy for e. g. New Uzbe­ki­stan Uni­ver­si­ty fol­lo­wing the exam­p­le of the TUM eco­sys­tem

🎓 Your pro­fi­le

  • Enthu­si­a­stic about open inno­va­ti­on and inter­na­tio­nal pro­jects
  • Pas­sio­na­te to gather inter­cul­tu­ral expe­ri­ence and impro­ve your inter­per­so­nal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on skills
  • Struc­tu­red approach, flu­ent busi­ness eng­lish and very good MS Office skills
  • You are a TUM stu­dent and curr­ent­ly enrol­led in a TUM stu­dy pro­gram that requi­res a pro­ject stu­dy

⭐️ We offer you

  • the chan­ce to learn about inno­va­ti­on eco­sys­tems, inter­na­tio­nal pro­ject deve­lo­p­ment and equip yours­elf with pro­blem-sol­ving skills
  • oppor­tu­ni­ties to take over indi­vi­du­al respon­si­bi­li­ty and owner­ship, e. g. con­duc­ting a work­shop if inte­res­ted
  • gui­dance working clo­se with the CEO and seni­or pro­ject mana­gers (regu­lar weekly mee­tings and ad-hoc check-ins)
  • the pos­si­bi­li­ty to coll­ect hands-on pro­ject manage­ment expe­ri­ence and pre­sent your results to a cli­ent

✈️ Time­line

  • 3 months full-time or 4–6 months part-time
  • Start­ing the next pos­si­ble date

📬 How to app­ly  **❗Dead­line has expi­red❗**

Be awa­re that only TUM stu­dents can app­ly and after suc­cessfull com­ple­ti­on recei­ve 12 ECTS. Check with your facul­ty and degree coor­di­na­tors of TUM School of Manage­ment. Plea­se note that you should app­ly as a team of 2–3 stu­dents; sin­gle appli­cants will be matched by us.

  • Short descrip­ti­on of moti­va­ti­on
  • CV of all team mem­bers
  • Cur­rent tran­script of record of all team mem­bers

👉 (all files pre­fer­a­b­ly sum­ma­ri­zed in a sin­gle PDF file)

We’­re great­ly loo­king for­ward to hea­ring from you!