
Information for mentors
You would like to accompany a student of the Technical University of Munich for one year and support her development? Furthermore, do you work for a company from the Munich area?
Then the mentorING program is the right place for you!
The mentorING program has been in existence since 2002, making it the oldest and one of the most successful mentoring programs at the Technical University of Munich. With the aim of increasing the proportion of women in technically oriented companies and facilitating career entry for female students, mentorING has already cooperated with mentors from more than 60 companies in the greater Munich area.
Ulrike Obendorfer, Senior Test Manager at IT4IPM GmbH:
“Through the lively exchange with the female students, my attention was sharpened as to which topics young women are concerned with when entering a more technically-oriented professional life and where stumbling blocks may lie. With this knowledge, I can remove one or the other stumbling blocks at IT4IPM GmbH in good time or also perhaps even prevent it from the outset”.
In the program, you will be supported in your role as a mentor through numerous events, contribute to the development of a sustainable professional network for women, and at the same time have the opportunity to expand your own professional contacts.
The events for mentors include the kick-off event, the workshops “Consulting Know-How” and “Managing Gender & Diversity,” and two networking events on current topics. The year ends with a graduation ceremony. The mentorING year always starts at the end of November / beginning of December. All events take place throughout the mentorING year. You can find out more about the events under “Program”.
The most important at a glance:
- You should have at least five years of professional experience.
- They should be liking to share their knowledge and recommendation with student.
- You support numerous events and workshops in your role as a mentor.
- You get the opportunity to promote young talent and expand your professional network.
Usually, mentors are provided by mentorING partner companies. In addition to forming mentor-mentee relationships, partner companies have the opportunity to present themselves at various program events, meet participants in a variety of settings, provide them with career-related information through the program, and advertise as a sponsor of the program. It is an excellent opportunity to recruit female junior staff and strengthen the company’s image.
Feel free to contact us if you are interested at: