
from TUM-International

Munich Bootcamp for New Uzbekistan University (NUU), April 25–29, 2022

TUM Inter­na­tio­nal was com­mis­sio­ned to orga­ni­ze a “Munich Boot­camp” for a group of sel­ec­ted stu­dents and pro­fes­sors from New Uzbe­ki­stan Uni­ver­si­ty focu­sing on inno­va­ti­on, entre­pre­neur­ship and tech­no­lo­gy trans­fer.

The cus­to­mi­zed pro­gram included many high­lights and exci­ting dis­cus­sions during visits at…

  1. Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring stu­dent coun­cil (Fach­schaft Maschi­nen­bau der Tech­ni­schen Uni­ver­si­tät Mün­chen, FSMB)
  2. Rese­arch Neu­tron Source Heinz Mai­er-Leib­nitz (FRM II)
  3. Insti­tu­te for Machi­ne Tools and Indus­tri­al Manage­ment “iwb” (a TUM insti­tu­te)
  4. IKOM — the care­er forum of Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich
  5. Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich (TUM), Prof. Wolf­gang A. Herr­mann (pre­si­dent eme­ri­tus)
  6. TUMint Ener­gy Rese­arch GmbH
  7. TUM Insti­tu­te for LifeL­ong Lear­ning
  8. MUST — The Munich Inno­va­ti­on Eco­sys­tem
  9. Munich Urban Colab
  10. Entre­pre­neur­TUM Maker­Space GmbH
  11. Knorr-Brem­se

It was a gre­at week and all par­ties enjoy­ed the mutu­al exch­an­ge!

If YOU want to learn more about our ser­vices or would like to have a “Munich Boot­camp” for yours­elf, feel free to cont­act us through our col­le­ague Jana Leg­ten­borg, Head of Busi­ness Deve­lo­p­ment at TUM Inter­na­tio­nal GmbH.