
from TUM-International

Women in STEM Round Table, 26th June 2023, Galileo Garching

Also this semes­ter the­re will be the Women in STEM Round Table — this time with fema­le STEM pro­fes­sors from TUM and addi­tio­nal coa­ching ses­si­ons.

All FINTA* bachelor’s and master’s stu­dents and doc­to­ral stu­dents at TUM are invi­ted, as well as stu­dents inte­res­ted in STEM and thus women, inter­gen­der, non-bina­ry, trans and agen­der indi­vi­du­als.

Seni­or Vice Pre­si­dent for Talent Manage­ment and Diver­si­ty Clau­dia Peus will open the event.

Mon­day, June 26, 2023
12:30 — 4:00 p.m.
Gali­leo, Gar­ching

Click here to regis­ter: