from TUM-International
There is so much untapped potential in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs).
That is why Accelerate Future HEI has brought together 12 European partners from 11 European countries to develop and pilot test acceleration services that will enable HEIs to undergo institutional transformation, becoming more entrepreneurial and innovative in their approach.

Participating in Accelerate Future HEI will provide benefits to HEIs:
• Strengthened internal knowledge and skills through institutional data, coaching, training and best practice
examples to guide HEI transformation.
• Enhanced capacity, tools and support to identify and capitalise on opportunities, and undertake institutional transformation.
• Better mechanisms around career assessment and incentives, and providing more infrastructure and
frameworks for cooperation with surrounding ecosystem actors.
• Enhanced connectivity through cross-regional network creation, international capacity building and knowledge exchange activities.
• Access to replicable models for acceleration support and tangible tools to be applied across European HEIs to initiate and undertake their transformation processes.
• Strengthened links across universities and increased research and human resources capacities.
• Knowledge exchange across HEIs and external ecosystem actors.
• Policy recommendations.
If you are interested in what we are doing, please reach out: