
from TUM-International

There is so much untapped potential in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs).

That is why Acce­le­ra­te Future HEI has brought tog­e­ther 12 Euro­pean part­ners from 11 Euro­pean count­ries to deve­lop and pilot test acce­le­ra­ti­on ser­vices that will enable HEIs to under­go insti­tu­tio­nal trans­for­ma­ti­on, beco­ming more entre­pre­neu­ri­al and inno­va­ti­ve in their approach.

Par­ti­ci­pa­ting in Acce­le­ra­te Future HEI will pro­vi­de bene­fits to HEIs:

• Streng­the­ned inter­nal know­ledge and skills through insti­tu­tio­nal data, coa­ching, trai­ning and best prac­ti­ce
examp­les to gui­de HEI trans­for­ma­ti­on.

• Enhan­ced capa­ci­ty, tools and sup­port to iden­ti­fy and capi­ta­li­se on oppor­tu­ni­ties, and under­ta­ke insti­tu­tio­nal trans­for­ma­ti­on.

• Bet­ter mecha­nisms around care­er assess­ment and incen­ti­ves, and pro­vi­ding more infra­struc­tu­re and
frame­works for coope­ra­ti­on with sur­roun­ding eco­sys­tem actors.

• Enhan­ced con­nec­ti­vi­ty through cross-regio­nal net­work crea­ti­on, inter­na­tio­nal capa­ci­ty buil­ding and know­ledge exch­an­ge acti­vi­ties.

• Access to repli­ca­ble models for acce­le­ra­ti­on sup­port and tan­gi­ble tools to be appli­ed across Euro­pean HEIs to initia­te and under­ta­ke their trans­for­ma­ti­on pro­ces­ses.

• Streng­the­ned links across uni­ver­si­ties and increased rese­arch and human resour­ces capa­ci­ties.

• Know­ledge exch­an­ge across HEIs and exter­nal eco­sys­tem actors.

• Poli­cy recom­men­da­ti­ons.

If you are inte­res­ted in what we are doing, plea­se reach out: