
from TUM-International

Successfully completed — KIUInnovate Business Forum 26. + 27. Oct. 2022

How can buil­ding inno­va­ti­on eco­sys­tems sup­port a country’s eco­no­mic growth?
What does the3rd Mis­si­on of uni­ver­si­ties mean in prac­ti­ce and how to build up strong part­ner­ships bet­ween aca­de­mia and indus­try?

The­se were just some of the ques­ti­ons that the KIUIn­no­va­te Busi­ness Forum, orga­ni­zed by our part­ner Kutai­si Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­si­ty tog­e­ther with us TUM Inter­na­tio­nal, tack­led last week.

To share our main take-aways:
Uni­ver­si­ties are the key for a sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment of a coun­try! (by Pre­si­dent Eme­ri­tus of TUM, Prof. Dr. Wolf­gang A. Herr­mann)
➾ Having a joint visi­on and crea­ting trust is essen­ti­al for strong part­ner­ships and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on!
➾ It’s all about the peo­p­le!
➾ Future isn’t a solo trip … but coope­ra­ti­on, net­wor­king and team-work! (by Ste­fa­nie Kis­gen) ✨

A big thanks to all the gre­at spea­k­ers, panelists and the won­derful KIU team for making it work 🤗!
Prof. Wolf­gang A. Herr­mann, Ste­fa­nie Kis­gen, Natha­lie von Sey­fried, Kari­na Sot­nik, Téa Kekelid­ze, David Zit­o­un, Zeev Zalevs­ky, Wal­ter Tichy, Colin M. Dono­hue, Mag­da Magrad­ze, Alex­an­der Tevz­ad­ze, Ramaz Bocho­rish­vi­li, Natia Zedgi­nid­ze, Ira­kli Nadar­eish­vi­li MSc MRICS, Halil M. Guven, Stef­fen Sir­ries, our TUMint team Frie­de­ri­ke Het­tin­ger and Kath­rin Albrecht and many more.

#inno­va­ti­on #eco­sys­tem #entre­pre­neur­ship #busi­ness­fo­rum #part­ner­ship