
from TUM-International

Siemens Speed Dating event at Munich Urban Colab, 26.09.2022

The 3rd expert Speed Dating series event took place on 26th of Sep­tem­ber at Munich Urban Colab with a focus on Smart Cities and Urban Digi­tal Twins. After an inspi­ring key­note by Vero­ni­ka Lie­big about the Sie­mens Digi­tal Twin Lab, Jan Schoe­nig fol­lo­wed pre­sen­ting one of his cur­rent Digi­tal Twin pro­jects.

Howe­ver, the focus of the event was on five speed dating rounds of 15 minu­tes each, in which the experts from dif­fe­rent fields with dif­fe­rent use cases could get to know each other and dis­cuss cur­rent chal­lenges and trends con­cer­ning Smart Cities and Urban Digi­tal Twins.

Bes­i­des, the net­wor­king time was also used to explo­re and learn new approa­ches to com­mon pro­blems and find col­la­bo­ra­ti­on part­ners to shape our cities of the future.

A big thank you goes to all par­ti­ci­pan­ts and espe­ci­al­ly to the Sie­mens team that made the event a suc­cess:
Lau­ra Engel­hardt, Moritz Holz­mül­ler, Edward Cor­ne­li­us Kru­bas­ik, Vero­ni­ka Lie­big, Fabi­an Rhein, Felix Sie­vers and the host Chris­toph Hein­rich. For us, TUM Inter­na­tio­nal GmbH, it was a plea­su­re to sup­port Sie­mens by orga­ni­zing this gre­at evening. 🤩