
from TUM-International

Siemens RIE Munich Conference
Bringing an Ecosystem to Life

This year’s Sie­mens Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Eco­sys­tem (RIE) Munich Con­fe­rence high­ligh­ted Brin­ging and Eco­sys­tem to Life. But what does that mean?

Industry/academia col­la­bo­ra­ti­on is a cor­ner­stone of modern inno­va­ti­on. Through this approach, the road from ide­as draf­ted in the lab to indus­try appli­ca­ti­on beco­mes much shorter, clea­rer and acce­si­ble.

In Munich, at the Sie­mens Tech­no­lo­gy Cen­ter in Gar­ching (STCG), the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich (TUM) and Sie­mens have taken leaps towards rea­li­zing indus­try on cam­pus by co-housing sel­ec­ted depart­ments of both insti­tu­tes in a brand new buil­ding.

At the 2024 Sie­mens RIE Munich Con­fe­rence we took advan­ta­ge of the new co-loca­ti­on to demons­tra­te what inno­va­ti­ve indi­vi­du­als and for­mats exist in the Munich eco­sys­tem.

The event was kicked-off by the orchestra­tors at TUM and Sie­mens, Prof. Dr. Tho­mas Hof­mann (Pre­si­dent, TUM), Dr. Nor­bert Gaus (Exe­cu­ti­ve VP, Rese­arch & Pre­de­ve­lo­p­ment, Sie­mens Tech­no­lo­gy) and Dr. Mir­jam Sto­rim(Glo­bal RIE Mana­ger, Sie­mens).

The panel dis­cus­sion was fol­lo­wed by an inspi­ra­tio­nal talk by Dr. Chris­tos Chant­zaras (Mana­ging Direc­tor,  TUM Ven­ture Labs Build Envi­ron­ment). Chris­tos out­lined how to acti­va­te such a buil­ding and how important pro­to­ty­p­ing new spaces is.

Next we wel­co­med Prof. Dr. Achim Lili­en­thal (Chair, Per­cep­ti­on for Intel­li­gent Sys­tems, TUM) and Dr. Georg von Wichert (Head of Auto­no­mous Sys­tems and Con­trol, Sie­mens) who shared their syn­er­gies and joi­n­ed past rese­arch, inclu­ding the effect the added co-loca­ti­on has had and will have.

Fol­lo­wing this, a short input was given by a team from  Cir­cu­la­TUM, a sus­taina­bi­li­ty net­work within the TUM, who actual­ly won a glo­bal Sie­mens cam­paign in 2024: Tech for Sus­taina­bi­li­ty Cam­paign.

The final ses­si­on of our con­fe­rence was all about the uni­que Sie­mens Men­to­ring Pro­gram. The 22 stu­dents in this year’s cohort par­ti­ci­pa­ted in a one week long hacka­thon during which they work­ed on real Sie­mens topics. They pit­ched their final results at the con­fe­rence and the audi­ence voted on the win­ner.

Brin­ging and Eco­sys­tem to Life. 🌱