
from TUM-International

Siemens Mentoring Alumni Event October 6, 2022

Ano­ther suc­cessful year of the Sie­mens Men­to­ring Pro­gram has finis­hed! 🥳
All Sie­mens men­tors, men­tees and alum­ni par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the pro­gram were invi­ted to the Sie­mens Men­to­ring Alum­ni event. What gre­at fun to final­ly meet again with all alum­ni and cur­rent men­tees! 🤩🥂🍾

After a wel­co­me lunch for the cur­rent men­tees, Fabi­an Rhein orga­ni­zed five dif­fe­rent lab tours to pre­sent their ide­as and cur­rent rese­arch topics on:

- Indus­tri­al 5G Lab
- Data Ana­ly­tics and AI Lab
- Digi­tal twins, vir­tu­al com­mis­sio­ning, ope­ra­tor and AI trai­ning on simu­la­ti­on model
- Image / Video Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on: Qua­li­ty Con­trol via AI
- Digi­tal Enter­pri­se Expe­ri­ence Cen­ter

We gai­ned exci­ting insights into the deve­lo­p­ment of future tech­no­lo­gies and how an indus­tri­al play­er like Sie­mens sup­ports such deve­lo­p­ments.

Many thanks to all par­ti­ci­pan­ts who con­tri­bu­ted to the suc­cess of this super net­wor­king event! 🙌

Are you a TUM stu­dent in the midd­le of your bachelor’s degree or more advan­ced stu­dies?
➡️ App­ly now for the Sie­mens Men­to­ring Pro­gram 2022/2023. We are loo­king for­ward to recei­ving your appli­ca­ti­ons!