
from TUM-International

Rohde & Schwarz seeks Working Student (m/f/d)
Test Development SPM Receivers

Our men­tor Angels Via Estrem is loo­king for a working stu­dent for their depart­ment at our men­to­rING com­pa­ny part­ner Roh­de & Schwarz:

Werk­stu­dent (m/f/d) Test Deve­lo­p­ment SPM Recei­vers | Roh­de & Schwarz (

If you are inte­res­ted, app­ly via the “App­ly but­ton” on the Roh­de & Schwarz web­site and also inform Angels Via Estrem so that your appli­ca­ti­on is defi­ni­te­ly seen. 👍

Good luck! 🍀🍀🍀