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TUMINT Student Relocation Service. An all-inclusive onboarding package for international students

You have the choice bet­ween 3 packa­ges with dif­fe­rent extras addres­sing your per­so­nal needs. If you are a Non-EU Citi­zen you can addi­tio­nal­ly book our com­for­ta­ble VISA ser­vice.

Accom­mo­da­ti­on search
Indi­vi­du­al con­sul­tancy by a per­so­nal relo­ca­ti­on con­sul­tant
Sup­port with appli­ca­ti­on and other aut­ho­ri­ty mat­ters
Lan­guage cour­se
Inter­cul­tu­ral trai­ning
Dis­co­ve­ring bava­ria!
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Find a new home in Munich

Count­less apart­ment vie­wings and long wai­ting lists in the stu­dent resi­den­ces are the dai­ly norm. This is whe­re we come in to sup­port you! With our Pre­mi­um Com­fort and Pre­mi­um Tail­or-Made Packa­ge, we will make sure to find you your new home and offer you up to three accom­pa­nied visits. Your arri­val in Munich will be a lot less stressful.

Check off your administrative to-do list with your personal relocation consultant

Count­less apart­ment vie­wings and long wai­ting lists in the stu­dent resi­den­ces are the dai­ly norm. This is whe­re we come in to sup­port you! With our Pre­mi­um Com­fort and Pre­mi­um Tail­or-Made Packa­ge, we will make sure to find you your new home and offer you up to three accom­pa­nied visits. Your arri­val in Munich will be a lot less stressful.

Meet new people, discover Bavaria and develop your German and intercultural skills

After you have saved time and ner­ves with the bureau­cra­cy and found a gre­at accom­mo­da­ti­on, the fun and your per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment can begin! The­r­e­fo­re, we have inte­gra­ted an inter­cul­tu­ral trai­ning, lan­guage cour­ses and an exci­ting lei­su­re pro­gram for you.

Learn German and improve your language skills

Our 5 weeks lan­guage cour­ses are sui­ted to all tho­se who wish to impro­ve their Ger­man skills! Cour­ses are being held in the mor­nings, after­noons and evenings at all levels accor­ding to the Com­mon Euro­pean Frame­work of Refe­rence for Lan­guages (CEFRL) — from A1 for beg­in­ners to C2 for mas­ters.

Foster your intercultural competence in our Intercultural Training

Join our Inter­cul­tu­ral Trai­ning and impro­ve your inter­cul­tu­ral com­pe­tence! Learn more about the importance of under­stan­ding other cul­tures, and hone your awa­re­ness of cul­tu­ral dif­fe­ren­ces.

Visit Bavarian hotspots like Neuschwanstein Castle, Regensburg or the Starnberg Lake

Our excur­si­on pro­gram includes two gui­ded excur­si­ons to won­derful Bava­ri­an sights! All expen­ses such as tra­vel fares and ent­rance fees are included. You can choo­se 2 out of 3 trips eit­her to Neu­schwan­stein, Regens­burg or the Starn­berg Lake.

Our relocation service packages:

Relocation Basic Package

€ 3.900,-

incl. VAT

Premium Comfort Package

€ 5.900,-

incl. VAT

Relo­ca­ti­on Basic Packa­ge plus:

Premium Tailor Made Package*

€ 7.900,-

incl. VAT

Relo­ca­ti­on Basic Packa­ge plus:

*limi­t­ed avai­la­bi­li­ty

VISA Service

€ 990,-

incl. VAT

Addi­tio­nal­ly we recom­mend our VISA Ser­vice which is inte­res­t­ing espe­ci­al­ly for NON-EU stu­dents and optio­nal­ly boo­ka­ble.

Questions and answers about our relocation service


Bank account & banking matters


Booking & Preparation


Interested? Send us your inquiry: