
from TUM-International

mentorING seminar Agile Project Management at MaibornWolff

On Oct. 27, 2022, our men­to­rING part­ner com­pa­ny Mai­born­Wolff invi­ted TUM fema­le stu­dents from the cur­rent men­to­rING co hort to a trai­ning ses­si­on. Many thanks to Vic­to­ria Mül­ler and Ste­fa­nie Grübl for the gre­at work­shop on “Agi­le Pro­ject Manage­ment” and the insights into your work!

Bes­i­des a fabu­lous view over Munich, the stu­dents enjoy­ed know-how and prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence around agi­le methods and the Scrum frame­work.

The men­to­rING pro­gram pro­vi­des TUM stu­dents with men­tors from the field to sup­port them in their care­er ent­ry and per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment. For part­ner com­pa­nies is a gre­at way to pre­sent them­sel­ves as an employ­er to top edu­ca­ted, fema­le STEM stu­dents!

❗ Inte­res­ted? ->

Many thanks also to Sophie Drozdzew­ski from Cross Con­sult for the pro­fes­sio­nal sup­port!