
from TUM-International

Interview by Georgia Today with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang A. Herrmann at KIUInnovate Business Forum

✅ Germany’s histo­ry in cadast­re acti­vi­ties
✅ oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges of intro­du­cing digi­tal pro­ces­ses into land manage­ment and regis­ters
✅ block­chain for land admi­nis­tra­ti­on from deve­lo­ping count­ries’ per­spec­ti­ve
✅ impact of rene­wa­ble ener­gy pro­jects on land ten­ure secu­ri­ty and land-use plan­ning

This valuable exch­an­ge hel­ped app­re­cia­ting the advance­ments that have alre­a­dy been made, demons­tra­ted which steps are cru­cial to take in the future, and laid the foun­da­ti­on for future coope­ra­ti­ons!

Many thanks to Wal­ter T. de Vries, Dr. Micha­el Stock­wald, David Som­mer, Astrid Grun­wald, Dr. Johan­nes Roch­ner, Tobi­as Bendz­ko, Bouch­ra Lam­ha­me­di, PRINCE DONKOR AMEYAW, and many others!