
from TUM-International

Hap­py young uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents stu­dy­ing with books in libra­ry. Group of mul­t­ira­cial peo­p­le in col­lege libra­ry.

Internship 2022! We are looking for TUM students for a Siemens interdisciplinary project…

App­ly for an IDP (inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry pro­ject) until 31. July 2022 in dis­rup­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gies and trends and get an out­side-in per­spec­ti­ve in tech­no­lo­gy inno­va­ti­on manage­ment at Sie­mens and the impacts on indus­try!

About Sie­mens RIE

The Sie­mens RIE Munich (mana­ged by TUM Inter­na­tio­nal) is a uni­que eco­sys­tem in which today’s chal­lenges are addres­sed col­la­bo­ra­tively with future tech­no­lo­gies. In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with inter­nal and exter­nal stake­hol­ders, inclu­ding uni­ver­si­ties, rese­arch insti­tu­tes, part­ners from indus­try, start­ups, and govern­ment agen­ci­es, TUMint and Sie­mens are deve­lo­ping solu­ti­ons to the­se chal­lenges.
The Sie­mens RIE Munich com­bi­nes the rese­arch excel­lence of a wide ran­ge of stake­hol­ders and reli­es on a broad, regio­nal and at the same time glo­bal net­work. In addi­ti­on to tra­di­tio­nal con­tract rese­arch, the RIE works clo­se­ly with stake­hol­ders in inno­va­ti­on pro­jects and publicly fun­ded rese­arch con­sor­tia and explo­res num­e­rous other indi­vi­du­al coope­ra­ti­on for­mats.

Pro­ject descrip­ti­on
The objec­ti­ve is a broad-based trend and tech­no­lo­gy search in the field of fore­sight: What are the emer­ging topics and tech­no­lo­gies the next 5–10 years?
For more infor­ma­ti­on have a look at Sie­mens Inno­va­ti­on Eco­sys­tem.

🎯 Pro­ject goals
Step 1: Broad trend and tech­no­lo­gy rese­arch
•    Trend and tech­no­lo­gy rese­arch e.g. scree­ning of pos­si­ble sources (e.g. Tech­blocks, Think Tanks, Uni Rese­arch, Social Media, World Eco­no­mic Forum etc.) — but also other approa­ches are wel­co­me. (The­re are no limits to the pos­si­bi­li­ties.)
•    Struc­tu­ring into dif­fe­rent clus­ters e.g. Digi­tal Techs, Green Techs, Socie­ty
•    Out­put:
> Each trend/technology is descri­bed in a one-pager — what are the drivers/blockers (with first pro­of points) and what is the impact on industry/infrastructure/society?
> Pre­sen­ta­ti­on and rese­arch paper sum­ma­ri­zing tech­no­lo­gies, their short-/mid-/long-term effects and giving stra­te­gic recom­men­da­ti­ons

Step 2: Dis­cus­sion of the results & impact in a work­shop

•    Depen­ding on the results and cour­se of the pro­ject a detail­ed exami­na­ti­on of some iden­ti­fied trends after­wards is con­ceiva­ble

🎓 Your pro­fi­le
•    Enthu­si­a­stic about inno­va­ti­on and tech­no­lo­gy trends
•    Ide­al­ly alre­a­dy some expe­ri­ence in inno­va­ti­on and tech­no­lo­gy manage­ment
•    Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve spi­rit and growth mind­set
•    Struc­tu­red approach, ana­ly­ti­cal skills

⭐️ We offer you
•    The chan­ce to learn in depth about the latest tech­no­lo­gies that will shape our future
•    The chan­ce to learn about Munich’s inno­va­ti­on eco­sys­tem
•    A pro­ject to dive into Sie­mens inno­va­ti­on depart­ments (AI Lab, Next47)
•    Oppor­tu­ni­ties to take over indi­vi­du­al respon­si­bi­li­ty and owner­ship
•    Gui­dance working clo­se with our seni­or pro­ject mana­gers (regu­lar mee­tings and ad-hoc check-ins)
•    The pos­si­bi­li­ty to coll­ect hands-on expe­ri­ence

✈️ Time­line
•    3 months full-time or 4–6 months part-time
•    Start­ing the next pos­si­ble date

📬 How to App­ly
Be awa­re that only TUM stu­dents can app­ly and recei­ve 12 ECTS for the pro­ject stu­dy / 16 ECTS for the inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry pro­ject (IDP). Check with your facul­ty and degree coor­di­na­tors of the TUM School of Manage­ment or the Depart­ment of Infor­ma­tics.

•    [ ] Short descrip­ti­on of moti­va­ti­on
•    [ ] CV of all team mem­bers (sin­gle appli­cants are wel­co­me)
•    [ ] Cur­rent tran­script of record of all team mem­bers

👉 (all files pre­fer­a­b­ly sum­ma­ri­zed in a sin­gle PDF file)

We’­re great­ly loo­king for­ward to hea­ring from you!