
from TUM-International

International Women’s Day 2023 at TUM — series of events to celebrate: career paths of strong TUM women

The 8th of March — Inter­na­tio­nal Women’s Day — is an offi­ci­al holi­day in 26 count­ries world­wi­de. Only slow­ly, Ger­ma­ny is fol­lo­wing suit: Ber­lin estab­lished the day as a sta­tu­to­ry holi­day in 2019 and Meck­len­burg-West Pome­ra­nia will do so in 2023.

Even if this cele­bra­to­ry day does not hap­pen to be an offi­ci­al holi­day in Bava­ria, it is a day worth cele­bra­ting — so let’s do it tog­e­ther!

All TUM mem­bers are cor­di­al­ly invi­ted to join in on a ran­ge of events — espe­ci­al­ly and expli­cit­ly our many won­derful TUM women. The mot­to this year is “Care­er Paths of Strong TUM Women” and it is inde­ed a mot­to that packs a punch: Meet women who car­ved their very own path at and through TUM, visit their workspaces, lis­ten to them on the evening panel and feel streng­the­ned, inspi­red and con­nec­ted.

With a nod to Equal Pay Day on the 7th of March, the­re will also be the opti­on to join an online Money Talk, run by a finan­cial advi­sor spe­cia­li­zed in wealth buil­ding for women.

TUM is very much loo­king for­ward to see­ing you!

Plea­se note that all events are held in Ger­man.