
from TUM-International

International Women’s Day 2023 at MaibornWolff

26. — 27 October 2022

Let’s code for a bet­ter world! 🌍
To all our TUM men­tees and other women inte­res­ted in soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment — check out this event from our men­to­rING part­ner Mai­born­Wolff GmbH on the occa­si­on of Inter­na­tio­nal Women’s Day on 8/3/2013…
#women.#code.#meet. Join our deve­lo­pers Mela­nie Schwei­ger, Nata­scha Kraus, Anna Wag­ner and Eileen Fürs­ten­au at March 8 in Munich.

❤ A warm invi­ta­ti­on for all coding women: Our work­shop with Mela­nie at Inter­na­tio­nal Women’s day.

The topic: #Acces­si­bi­li­ty on the inter­net.

We are­n’t just desig­ning acces­si­ble pro­ducts and web­sites for a sub­group of peo­p­le who have per­ma­nent visu­al or motor issues. We’­re desig­ning the­se sites and pro­ducts for many more peo­p­le, for all of us. Even with a bro­ken arm or a child in your arms, you can only use your smart­phone or tablet to a limi­t­ed ext­ent.

👐 Be more #inclu­si­ve! How can we as web desi­gners and deve­lo­pers con­tri­bu­te to this?
Mela­nie will intro­du­ce you to the topic and then you can start pro­gramming a web­shop tog­e­ther so that it real­ly is acces­si­ble to ever­yo­ne. Plea­se bring your lap­top!

🥂 🎉 🎶 We are loo­king for­ward to you joi­ning us, lear­ning, coding and cele­bra­ting tog­e­ther — with pro­sec­co, deli­cious food and the play­list “Power of women23”, which you put tog­e­ther yours­elf. Regis­ter here: