
from TUM-International

Global Challenge Lab 2023 “Affordable and Clean Energy” with Imperial, Tsinghua and other partners

The day has final­ly arri­ved and the Glo­bal Chall­enge Lab 2023 is laun­ched! 🥳

Glo­bal Chall­enge Lab 2023 | UN SDG 7: Afforda­ble and Clean Ener­gy
6 ‑18 July 2023

TUM is joi­ning the Glo­bal Chall­enge Lab 2023, fea­turing 10-days of online work­shops, guest spea­k­ers, and expert men­to­ring to help you hack inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons to the world’s most pres­sing pro­blems. This year, par­ti­ci­pan­ts will be working to achie­ve UNS SDG 7, in part­ner­ship with stu­dents from 14 uni­ver­si­ties across the world. Stu­dents from all disci­pli­na­ry back­grounds are encou­ra­ged to join!

Form a team of 3–6 mem­bers (a team must include par­ti­ci­pan­ts from at least 2 dif­fe­rent uni­ver­si­ties) and pre­sent an inno­va­ti­ve solution/concept to tack­le UN SDG 7. Learn new entre­pre­neu­ri­al skills, meet new peo­p­le and win a share of the £10,000 GBP (11.679,- EUR) pri­ze fund. 

For more infor­ma­ti­on and to regis­ter:

Win a share of £10K pri­ze fund! 🏆
Places are limi­t­ed, so regis­ter as soon as pos­si­ble.
Dead­line: July 4th, 2023.