
from TUM-International

Evonik MChG Day 2023 — lecture series Nov. 28, 2023

The Munich Che­mi­cal Socie­ty (MChG) and EVONIK invi­te to a lec­tu­re pro­gram with the topic:

“Oppor­tu­ni­ties of AI and Machi­ne Lear­ning in rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment in Che­mis­try”

The­se spea­k­ers pro­vi­de exci­ting insights:

🧪Prof. Dr. Hel­ge S. Stein – TU Mün­chen
🧪Dr. Tho­mas Asche – Evo­nik Ope­ra­ti­ons GmbH
🧪Prof. Dr. Hen­drik Zip­se – LMU
🧪Prof. Dr. Oli­ver Trapp – LMU, Trapp Rese­arch Group
🧪Dr. Yves Gorat Stom­mel (MBA) – Evo­nik Ope­ra­ti­ons GmbH

Date: Tues­day, Novem­ber 28, 2023
Time: 17:00 c.t. to 19:30 h

Loca­ti­on: TU Munich, Emil-Erlen­mey­er lec­tu­re hall, Che­mis­try buil­ding 5400, room 26411, Lich­ten­berg­str. 4, 85748 Gar­ching

Online: via ZOOM

Join Zoom Mee­ting

Mee­ting-ID: 645 9420 4116
Kenn­code: 862709


Atten­dance is free, but regis­tra­ti­on is requi­red!

Click here to regis­ter…