
from TUM-International

ECRDC/ACES board meeting at Munich Urban Colab, June 9, 2022

Last Thurs­day, seni­or mem­bers of TUM Inter­na­tio­nal and the East Coast Eco­no­mic Regi­on Deve­lo­p­ment Coun­cil (ECRDC) had their “Asia Cen­ter of Excel­lence for Smart Tech­no­lo­gies” (ACES) Q2 board mee­ting to dis­cuss the gre­at pro­gress that we have seen.

The ACES board mem­bers in Munich cal­led their col­le­agues in Malay­sia over a vir­tu­al call to dis­cuss past per­for­mance next steps. The exe­cu­ti­ves from ECERDC also got a tour of the Munich Urban Colab and what it repres­ents in terms of inno­va­ti­on and busi­ness. It was ama­zing to see how pro­duc­tively and lively a mee­ting like this could be.

We are loo­king for­ward to a con­tin­ued good coope­ra­ti­on with our part­ners from Malay­sia!