
from TUM-International

China Impulse Event at Munich Urban Colab, 05.05.2023

Nice wea­ther, good mood, suc­cessful evening -…
our Chi­na Impul­se event at Munich Urban Colab last Fri­day! 🍻🥨🥪🍾

With our part­ner ZD Auto­mo­ti­ve, the Export-Club Bay­ern e.V. and the Ger­man Mit­tel­stand e.V. we had an exci­ting exch­an­ge on the topic of expan­si­on to Chi­na.

ZD Auto­mo­ti­ve pre­sen­ted a new busi­ness field in which it sup­ports Ger­man com­pa­nies ente­ring the Chi­ne­se mar­ket. Through its own busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment, ZD has a lot of expe­ri­ence and a lar­ge part­ner net­work in Chi­na.
ZD can also use its eco­sys­tem to act as an “acce­le­ra­tor” for a com­pa­ny and, with access to govern­ment fun­ding, explo­re attrac­ti­ve finan­cing opti­ons for Ger­man com­pa­nies.

Our thanks go espe­ci­al­ly to Flo­ri­an Ober­hai­din­ger and Wer­ner Thei­ner for their sup­port and of cour­se to Qiang Zhou and Dr Liu Liu for the inte­res­t­ing insights. Glad­ly again! 😊👍