from TUM-International

China Impulse Event at Munich Urban Colab, 05.05.2023
Nice weather, good mood, successful evening -…
our China Impulse event at Munich Urban Colab last Friday! 🍻🥨🥪🍾
With our partner ZD Automotive, the Export-Club Bayern e.V. and the German Mittelstand e.V. we had an exciting exchange on the topic of expansion to China.
ZD Automotive presented a new business field in which it supports German companies entering the Chinese market. Through its own business development, ZD has a lot of experience and a large partner network in China.
ZD can also use its ecosystem to act as an “accelerator” for a company and, with access to government funding, explore attractive financing options for German companies.
Our thanks go especially to Florian Oberhaidinger and Werner Theiner for their support and of course to Qiang Zhou and Dr Liu Liu for the interesting insights. Gladly again! 😊👍