
from TUM-International

1st Siemens Tech Speed Dating Event at Munich Urban Colab, April 28, 2022

Indus­try experts from Sie­mens, Infi­ne­on Tech­no­lo­gies, BMW Group, SAP, Oer­li­kon, Pega­sys­tems, sus­taina­bi­li­ty entre­pre­neurs and enthu­si­asts came tog­e­ther on 28th of April 2022 at Munich Urban Colab to exch­an­ge infor­ma­ti­on about the latest trends in sus­taina­bi­li­ty in pro­duc­tion.

After an inspi­ring key note from Dr. Caro­li­ne Cas­si­gnol, five rounds of group speed dating and an open net­wor­king fol­lo­wed.

Thank you Dr. Juli­an Boha, Edward Cor­ne­li­us Kru­bas­ik and Fabi­an Rhein for their col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and sup­port to set up this event.