
from TUM-International

🚀 Space Day in Munich — an intergalactic family event! 🌌

Dear space enthu­si­asts,

it’s time to mark your calen­dars! On Satur­day, April 13, 2024, the Otto­brunn cam­pus will be trans­for­med into a cos­mic won­der­land for Space Day, pre­sen­ted by Yuri’s Night Deutsch­land e.V. in coope­ra­ti­on with the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich (TUM). 🌍🛰️☄️👩‍🚀

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 An event for the who­le fami­ly: from 12:00 to 18:00 h, a uni­ver­se full of adven­ture for young and old!

Exci­ting pre­sen­ta­ti­ons & hands-on acti­vi­ties: Learn more about the latest deve­lo­p­ments in space rese­arch direct­ly from TUM experts, dis­co­ver the sci­ence and myths sur­roun­ding space food.
Find out how to beco­me an astro­naut or an aero­space entre­pre­neur with the help of the TUM Ven­ture Labs. 🧑‍🚀🛰️🌍💫

Space quiz with gre­at pri­zes: Test your know­ledge and win fasci­na­ting pri­zes!

Expe­ri­ence Star Wars up clo­se: A must for all fans! Feel the Force in a gala­xy far, far away right here in Otto­brunn.

Eat like an astro­naut: Myths & sci­ence about space food — a culina­ry jour­ney through the uni­ver­se. 👩‍🚀🥗🧑‍🚀

📍 Loca­ti­on: Otto­brunn cam­pus, Lise-Meit­ner-Str. 9, 85521 Otto­brunn.
🎉 Admis­si­on free!

We hope you enjoy the fasci­na­ti­on of space tra­vel! 💫🌟