
from TUM-International

Airbus “Get2Know Manching Day 2024”

Thurs­day, 4th July 2024 
9:45 — 4:45 pm
at Man­ching Mili­ta­ry Air­craft Cen­ter

Are you a pas­sio­na­te and dri­ven stu­dent pur­suing a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. in Engi­nee­ring or IT? 

Are you eager to explo­re exci­ting care­er oppor­tu­ni­ties in a dyna­mic and inclu­si­ve envi­ron­ment? 

Look no fur­ther! Air­bus is thril­led to invi­te you to their exclu­si­ve onsite event!