Innovation Ecosystem Acceleration

Danube DNA: Building a Sustainable Network for Digital Transformation in the Danube Region

The Danu­be DNA pro­ject aims to estab­lish an inno­va­ti­ve and sus­tainable net­work of SMEs trai­ning and know­ledge trans­fer cen­ters focu­sed on digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on within the Danu­be regi­on. This net­work repres­ents the “Danu­be DNA”—a pio­nee­ring nucleus for smart spe­cia­liza­ti­on, skills deve­lo­p­ment, cross-sec­to­ral col­la­bo­ra­ti­on, and the trans­for­ma­ti­on of SMEs towards Indus­try 4.0 and Logi­stics 4.0.

By lever­aging advan­ced tech­no­lo­gies and faci­li­ta­ting know­ledge trans­fer, along with inter-regio­nal capa­ci­ty buil­ding, the pro­ject sup­ports the imple­men­ta­ti­on of inno­va­ti­ve and sus­tainable pilot actions. The­se efforts are desi­gned to aid the trans­for­ma­ti­on of SMEs in the regi­on, brin­ging tog­e­ther stake­hol­ders from various sec­tors and count­ries to crea­te a plat­form for sha­ring best prac­ti­ces, fos­te­ring inno­va­ti­on, and enhan­cing the region’s com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness.

A key focus of the pro­ject is on deve­lo­ping the skills and com­pe­ten­ci­es neces­sa­ry to suc­cessful­ly navi­ga­te the chal­lenges of digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on. Through the­se initia­ti­ves, the pro­ject not only pro­mo­tes eco­no­mic growth in the Danu­be regi­on but also lays the foun­da­ti­on for a sus­tainable future.

The pro­ject began in Janu­ary 2024 and will run until June 2026. For more infor­ma­ti­on about the Danu­be DNA pro­ject, plea­se visit the offi­ci­al pro­ject web­site.